Let’s celebrate the Whale Shark Day by learning important and interesting facts about this species (whale shark teeth, whale shark diet, whale shark lifespan and more!)

What is International Whale Shark Day?

International Whale Shark Day is an annual event that takes place on July 30th. It was created to raise awareness about the whale shark and its importance in the world’s oceans. The day is celebrated by people all over the world, including those who live near or visit areas where whale sharks are found.

Are Whale Sharks Dangerous?

The whale shark is not dangerous to humans. It is a gentle giant feeds on plankton, small fish, squid, krill, and other small organisms by swimming with its mouth open wide while water flows through its gills.

What are the curious facts about Whale Sharks?

  • Whale Sharks have distinctive yellow markings that make them a wonderful sight in the seas.
  • Whale Sharks live longer than humans – their life span can extend to 130 years!
  • Whale Sharks have 300 rows of teeth that would freak out even the most passionate dentist!
  • Whale Sharks are currently considered an endangered species.

What are the threats to Whale Sharks?

The threats to whale sharks are many and varied, but there are ways to protect them. One of the biggest threats is overfishing. This can be combated by enforcing fishing regulations and educating fishermen about sustainable fishing practices. Another threat is pollution from oil spills, which can be combated by using cleaner fuels or developing new technologies that will help clean up oil spills more quickly.

How can we celebrate International Whale Shark Day?

We can celebrate International Whale Shark Day by raising awareness about the species, for example, by sharimg a video or photo of a whale shark that you found interesting. We can also donate to organizations that are working to protect whale sharks.

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What is an ocean? How many oceans are there? Five, six or seven? Or just one – the world / global ocean? The truth about the number of oceans in the world

What is an Ocean?

The word “ocean” is derived from the Greek word “oceanus” which means “the great river that encircles the world.” The word was first used by Homer in his epic poem, The Odyssey.

The ocean is a complex system that we still don’t fully understand. It is home to an incredible amount of species and contains most water on Earth. It provides us with food and jobs, but not only: it also regulates our climate and protects us from natural disasters.

Important facts about oceans

  • The salinity in an ocean is higher than in a freshwater lake or river because saltwater has more dissolved minerals.
  • Ocean water temperatures can range from 32 degrees Fahrenheit to 86 degrees Fahrenheit and varies depending on their location.
  • The currents in an ocean are caused by gravity and wind, which push water towards one side of the Earth.

How Many Oceans Are There? Five, six or seven?

The answer to this question is not as straightforward as it seems.

There are five oceans, but there are also six oceans.

The five oceans are the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Southern Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. The sixth ocean is called the Antarctic Ocean. It is a part of the Southern Ocean and it surrounds Antarctica.

The idea that there are seven oceans stems from the term “Seven Seas” which was used by Romans, Persians, Talmudists, Arabs, British Colonists, and authors of pirate fiction.

The difference between a sea and an ocean, is that an ocean covers more than 71% of the Earth’s surface, while a sea only covers much less.

Five Oceans vs the World / Global Ocean

The term ‘world ocean’ or ‘global ocean’ refers to the total sum of oceans that covers about 70% of Earth’s surface.

The world ocean contains 97% of Earth’s water, has an average depth of 3,700 meters and a total volume of 1.35 billion cubic kilometers.

The global ocean is a very important part of our planet. It provides us with food, jobs, and recreation. The ocean also helps regulate our climate by absorbing heat from the sun and releasing it back into space.

Maxine Foti described the world / global ocean in her popular mermaid novel titled “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony.” In particular, she wrote about two organizations: the Global Ocean’s Council, and the Global Ocean’s Army. If you’re curious, you can read more about them here, and download the official leaflets here.

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Grab your copy of “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” here…
Spanish: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Z8GK1JX
Italian: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0953PN3Y7

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