The Magic of Tide Pools: Discovering the Fascinating Marine Life Within


Tide pools are enchanting pockets of the ocean that reveal a hidden world of marine life during low tide. These miniature ecosystems are teeming with fascinating creatures, offering an often missed, butt nevertheless amazing opportunity to explore the wonders of the underwater realm. In this article, we will dive into the captivating world of tide pools, uncovering the diverse marine life that inhabits them.

The Magic of Tide Pools: Discovering the Fascinating Marine Life Within

Exploring the Tide Pool Ecosystem

Tide pools are formed when the ocean recedes during low tide, leaving behind shallow pools of seawater. These temporary habitats are nestled along rocky coastlines and provide a sanctuary for a wide range of marine organisms. Each tide pool is a microcosm of the ocean, brimming with life adapted to survive the harsh and ever-changing conditions.

Adaptations for Survival

The inhabitants of tide pools have evolved unique adaptations to thrive in this dynamic environment. Barnacles cling to rocks using their strong adhesive legs, creating a protective shell-like home. Anemones deploy their stinging tentacles to capture passing prey, while hermit crabs seek out discarded shells to protect their soft bodies. These adaptations allow the organisms to withstand the constant fluctuations in temperature, salinity, and exposure to the elements.

Diversity of Marine Life

Tide pools are remarkably diverse, harboring an array of marine life. Colorful starfish slowly glide across the rocks while sea urchins, with their spiky exteriors, navigate the pools with precision. Tiny fish dart between crevices, seeking shelter from predators. Delicate sea anemones sway with the ebb and flow of the tides, while elusive octopuses hide in the depths.

Feeding and Reproduction

Tide pools are bustling with feeding activity during low tide. Filter-feeding organisms like barnacles and mussels extend their feathery appendages to capture plankton and other microscopic organisms. Hermit crabs scavenge for scraps of food, while predatory sea stars pry open mollusk shells. Additionally, tide pools serve as breeding grounds for many species, where eggs and larvae find safety in the calm waters.

Ecological Importance

Tide pools play a crucial role in coastal ecosystems. They provide food and shelter for a variety of organisms, serving as nurseries for young marine life. Additionally, they act as a buffer zone, absorbing wave energy; protecting the shoreline from erosion, too. By exploring and appreciating tide pools, we can develop a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness and fragility of coastal ecosystems.

Conservation and Responsible Exploration

As we immerse ourselves in the magic of tide pools, it is essential to approach them with care and respect. Tide pool ecosystems are delicate, and even small disturbances can have lasting impacts on the organisms within. When exploring tide pools, we should avoid stepping on or disturbing the organisms and refrain from taking any marine life or leaving behind any trash.


Tide pools offer a captivating glimpse into the hidden world of marine life. These miniature ecosystems are bustling with diverse organisms, showcasing the resilience and adaptability of nature. By venturing into tide pools with a sense of wonder and respect, we can forge a deeper connection with the fascinating marine life that thrives within.

Unveiling Earth’s Hidden Gems: Exploring Remote Island Paradises – Rodrigues, La Digue, Flores, Taveuni, and Socotra

In a world teeming with vibrant cities and well-frequented tourist spots, there is an undeniable allure in straying from the conventional path and uncovering secluded island paradises. These hidden gems offer an escape from the everyday chaos, providing a sense of tranquility and natural beauty that is unparalleled. In this article, we will take you on a virtual journey to some of Earth’s most captivating and secluded islands, each offering its own unique allure and enchanting experiences.

Rodrigues Island, Mauritius

Photo by Dominik Ruhl on

Welcome to Rodrigues Island, a hidden gem in the Indian Ocean. While its more famous neighbor, Mauritius, attracts hordes of tourists, Rodrigues remains a niche destination, untouched by mass tourism. This secluded island promises pristine beaches, turquoise lagoons, and vibrant coral reefs, making it a haven for nature lovers and beach enthusiasts.

Pristine Beaches, Turquoise Lagoons, and Vibrant Coral Reefs

Rodrigues Island boasts some of the most breathtaking beaches in the Indian Ocean. With powdery white sand and crystal-clear waters, it offers a tranquil haven for relaxation and rejuvenation. The turquoise lagoons surrounding the island are perfect for swimming, snorkeling, and diving, where you can explore the colorful and diverse marine life that thrives within the vibrant coral reefs.

Authentic Local Culture and Warm Hospitality

In addition to its natural beauty, Rodrigues Island is known for its warm and welcoming people. The local culture here is rich and vibrant, with a strong emphasis on community and traditions. Visitors can immerse themselves in the local way of life, interacting with the friendly locals, and experiencing the island’s unique Creole cuisine and traditional music and dance.

La Digue, Seychelles

Photo by Rajesh Chetty on

Welcome to La Digue, a tranquil island in the Seychelles archipelago. While its neighboring islands, Mahé and Praslin, attract more tourists, La Digue retains its charm as a secluded paradise. With its picturesque beaches, granite boulders, and lush landscapes, this hidden gem is a dream destination for nature lovers and those seeking tranquility.

Picturesque Beaches, Granite Boulders, and Lush Landscapes

La Digue is renowned for its stunning beaches, which are often ranked among the most beautiful in the world. Anse Source d’Argent, with its unique combination of powdery white sand, turquoise waters, and weathered granite boulders, is particularly mesmerizing. The island’s lush and tropical landscapes, filled with coconut palms and exotic flora, add to its natural beauty.

Eco-Friendly Transportation and Preservation of Traditional Ways of Life

One of the standout features of La Digue is its eco-friendly transportation. Bicycles and ox carts are the main modes of transport here, allowing visitors to explore the island at a leisurely pace while minimizing their carbon footprint. This commitment to sustainability extends to the preservation of traditional ways of life, with locals deeply rooted in their customs and crafts, providing an authentic experience for visitors.

Flores, Indonesia

Photo by Tom Fisk on

Unveiling the beauty of Flores, an unspoiled island in the Indonesian archipelago. While Bali and Java attract the majority of tourists to Indonesia, Flores remains a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. With its majestic volcanoes, pristine lakes, and vibrant marine life, this off-the-beaten-path destination offers a unique and awe-inspiring experience.

Flores acts as the gateway to the prestigious Komodo National Park – which is actually a UNESCO World Heritage Site that shelters the iconic Komodo dragons, renowned for their legendary status. These ancient reptiles, known as the world’s largest lizards, can be observed in their natural habitat, creating a thrilling and memorable wildlife encounter. Beyond the Komodo dragons, the national park also boasts stunning landscapes, deserted islands, and remarkable diving and snorkeling spots.

Majestic Volcanoes, Pristine Lakes, and Vibrant Marine Life

Flores is characterized by its dramatic landscapes, with a chain of volcanoes stretching across the island. A visit to Mount Kelimutu is a must for any traveler seeking a surreal and extraordinary experience, thanks to its tri-colored crater lakes. This enchanting island is also encircled by vibrant coral reefs teeming with diverse marine life, making it a true haven for diving and snorkeling enthusiasts.

Taveuni, Fiji

Photo by Matt Waters on

Welcome to Taveuni, known as the “Garden Island” of Fiji. While Fiji’s main tourist hubs, such as Nadi and Denarau, attract visitors with their luxury resorts, Taveuni remains a hidden paradise for those seeking a more secluded and authentic experience. With its tropical rainforests, waterfalls, and abundant birdlife, Taveuni offers a truly off-the-beaten-path escape.

Tropical Rainforests, Waterfalls, and Abundant Birdlife

Taveuni’s lush rainforests are a haven for nature enthusiasts. The island is home to the Bouma National Heritage Park, which encompasses a vast expanse of verdant forests, pristine waterfalls, and hiking trails that lead to breathtaking viewpoints. Exploring the park allows visitors to immerse themselves in the island’s natural wonders, encountering exotic bird species, colorful flora, and the tranquil sounds of cascading waterfalls.

World-Class Diving, including the Famous Rainbow Reef

Taveuni is renowned as one of the world’s top diving destinations, particularly for its famous Rainbow Reef. This vibrant underwater paradise is teeming with an abundance of marine life, including colorful coral formations, tropical fish, and even the occasional sighting of majestic manta rays. Divers and snorkelers can explore the coral gardens and underwater caves, creating unforgettable memories beneath the crystal-clear waters of Taveuni.

Socotra, Yemen

Photo by Anthony Beck on

Prepare to be captivated by Socotra, a unique island nestled in the Arabian Sea. This remote and isolated destination remains relatively unknown to many travelers, making it a true hidden gem. With its otherworldly landscapes, including the iconic Dragon’s Blood Trees, and its rich biodiversity, Socotra offers a once-in-a-lifetime experience for those seeking a truly off-the-beaten-path adventure.

Otherworldly Landscapes, including the Iconic Dragon’s Blood Trees

Socotra’s landscapes are like something out of a fantasy novel. Its most iconic feature is the Dragon’s Blood Trees, with their peculiar umbrella-like shape and red resin. These ancient trees, found only on Socotra, create a surreal and mystical ambiance. The island is also home to towering limestone cliffs, pristine white sand beaches, and dramatic rock formations, all adding to its unearthly charm.

Rich Biodiversity and Endemic Species

Socotra is home to an extraordinarily diverse ecosystem, hosting a remarkable array of plant and animal species that are found exclusively on this unique island. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is a true paradise for both nature enthusiasts and scientists, offering unparalleled opportunities for exploration and discovery. From the rare Socotra desert rose to the Socotra warbler, the island is teeming with unique flora and fauna waiting to be discovered.

Final Thoughts on Remote Island Paradises

In a world where popular tourist destinations often steal the spotlight, there is an undeniable charm in exploring niche, unknown remote island paradises. The destinations mentioned above offer a chance to escape the crowds and discover hidden treasures that remain unspoiled by mass tourism.

These remote island paradises provide an opportunity to connect with nature, immerse oneself in local culture, and experience unique adventures. From the pristine beaches and turquoise lagoons of Rodrigues Island to the picturesque landscapes and traditional way of life in La Digue, each destination offers its own distinctive charm.

Venturing further, Flores captivates with its majestic volcanoes, pristine lakes, and the awe-inspiring Komodo dragons of Komodo National Park. Taveuni, known as the “Garden Island,” invites visitors to explore its tropical rainforests, waterfalls, and vibrant marine life. Socotra, with its otherworldly landscapes and rich biodiversity, presents a truly unforgettable experience.

These lesser-known remote island paradises provide a sense of tranquility, authenticity, and discovery. By choosing these niche destinations, travelers can contribute to the preservation of natural habitats and the local communities that call these islands home.

In conclusion, remote island paradises hold a special allure for those seeking unique and off-the-beaten-path experiences. By exploring destinations like Rodrigues Island, La Digue, Flores, Taveuni, and Socotra, travelers can find hidden gems that offer tranquility, natural beauty, and cultural authenticity. Embrace the spirit of adventure and discover Earth’s hidden treasures in these niche remote island paradises.

5 of the world’s most beautiful seashells to marvel at, and the animals which create them (murex shell, queen conch, nautilus shell, abalone shell, red delphinula shell)

The ocean is a place of mystery and intrigue. It’s not uncommon for those who visit it for the first time to feel like they’ve stepped into another world, one that’s filled with life and beauty. When we think about the ocean, we often think of its vastness, its depth, and its power…

But there’s also something else that fascinates us about it: the shells along its shoreline. They’re everywhere you look – on the beach, in tide pools, on coral reefs – and they’re just as varied as they are beautiful.

Seashells can’t always be taken home from holidays, as some may belong to protected species. Still, they are just beautiful forms to look at and photograph as they come in different shapes and sizes, colors, and textures.

5 of the world’s most beautiful seashells

The ones we have chosen for this article are the murex shells, queen conches, nautilus shells, abalone shells, and red delphinula shells. We picked them and not other ones cause they’re really stunning and a great reminder that the animal world can create what we could consider art, too.

  1. Murex Shell: Murex shells are created by a genus of predatory sea snails that live in tropical waters, typically shallow ones, in very close proximity to rocks or coral reefs. The shells are elongated and sculptured, characteristical thanks to their spines and fronds, which give them a feathery look and an almost angelic appearance.
  1. Queen Conch: the queen conch is a shell belonging to a large herbivorous snail named Aliger Gigas, that lives in the Caribbean and the tropical northwestern Atlantic. This snail loves the seagrass meadows, where it has plenty of species that it can feed on. It has a shell that can reach over 30 cm in mature individuals, although there are smaller ones, too. It has a spiral shell with 9-10 whorls and a flaring outer lip. The shell is solid and glossy, and it can be in various shades of orange and pink. Interestingly, queen conches are so common that there are landfills filled with them. The reason for this is people’s eager consumption of the snail – especially in the West Indies and Southern Florida.
  1. Nautilus Shell: this is one of our favorite shells, because it’s the unofficial symbol of the Mermaid Princess Amelia fantasy series (you can read why here). Overall, there’s a whole family of species called nautilus, so we have to be specific about what species we’re talking about: and that’s the chambered nautilus, also called “pearly.” For those of you who don’t know what a nautilus is, it’s a marine mollusk living in a spiral shell, characteristical thanks to its tentacles. The shell is a logarithmic spiral, but it is not a golden spiral (a golden spiral is a logarithmic spiral that uses the golden ratio in its formula). It’s typically bright in color, with brown stripes that help the animal become less visible closer to the sea bottom (where there’s less light). These animals are a protected species now, so trading their shells is forbidden.
  1. Abalone Shell: Abalone is a marine snail that is found in many areas of the world. Its meat has been considered a delicacy for centuries. Lots of world cultures use it to make sashimi or stew. As for the abalone shell, it is highly characteristical thanks to its iridescent inner surface. Culturally, it was used for many purposes, such as jewelry, decoration, and even as a musical instrument. It’s important to know, though, that abalones can become extinct due to the acidifications of the ocean! In South Africa, it’s already labeled as an endangered species. In China and Japan, and other countries, people farm abalones for consumption especially.
  1. Red Delphinula Shell: This shell belongs to an animal called Kiener’s delphinula, or if you want, the Latin name: Angaria sphaerula. It is a marine sea snail that lives in the western pacific ocean, especially in the Philippines. The shell of this sea snail is highly ornamental and varies a lot, depending on the environment of the snail. But what’s typical is the spire shape with some sort of spikes or fronds and the wonderful color that’s a mix of white, deep pink, and red.

Final thoughts on the most beautiful seashells

We hope that you’ve enjoyed this short article on the five most beautiful seashells to marvel at! As you can see, there are so many seashells to marvel at in our world! Every shell is highly unique and filled with wonder… There is so much to discover! We hope that you subscribe to this blog so that we can keep in touch and learn more about the marine world together. Also, don’t forget to check out Maxine Foti’s fantasy novel about Mermaid Princess Amelia!

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3 Mermaid Lemonade Ideas to refresh your stay at the beach this summer!

Thinking of the blazing sun and hot summer makes you want to dip into the ocean, and then have some nice cold drinks by your side… Doesn’t it? Well, worry not for here are 3 mermaid lemonade recipes for you to try and beat the heat!

Mermaid Poseyda’s Soda

First, a carbonated and bubbly beverage for you! Blend some blueberries and strawberries, then add some ice and a transparent soda, to make a drink inspired by the mermaid’s trademark color of purple. Finally, squeeze some lemons into the blender, and garnish with some optional sugar and lemon. We’ve decided to call this recipe Poseyda’s soda, because, it reminds of Mermaid Poseyda from the Argolic Gulf. It will make you feel effervescent and refreshed, so give it a try!

Tropical Lemonade

Another idea you can try this summer is to prepare a smoothie with bananas, oranges, apples, and kiwis, then add some lemon juice on top and mix it all together to make your own version of what a beach smoothie should be! The fruits will make you leaving very refreshed with the lemon giving it the right sour kick to make it all work!

Caribbean Sea Lemonade

Lastly, add some twist to any dull lemonade by spicing it up with rum, pineapple juice (to balance out the bitter taste), orange juice and blue Curacao! This lovely mermaid lemonade will work fantastic for any adult mermaid party related to Mermaid Princess Amelia, since this fantasy series begins nowhere else, but in the Caribbean Sea. This lemonade serves one, but it may easily be doubled or quadrupled. Continue reading to learn how to create a pitcher.

Bonus Tip: How to create a mermaid lemonade pitcher?

Make sure all of the ingredients are thoroughly cooled. Have ice on hand because you’ll be stirring in ice at the end. To make it more sophisticated, decorate the pineapple with a cotton candy bomb!


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5 great mermaid books to dive into, perfect for your trip to the beach this summer

Lying on the beach, with the sun shining down, a cool ocean breeze blowing in your hair, and a good book in your hand. What could be better? Reading on the beach is one of life’s most underrated pleasures.

If you love mermaids and want to read some great books this summer, then you should take a look at these five books. They are perfect for the beach and have great stories that will make your summer even better!

5 great mermaid books to read this summer:

#5: IN OTHER LANDS by Sarah Rees Brennan

 “In other lands” by Sarah Rees Brennan is a fun, intriguing mermaid story full of magic and fantasy. It introduces Elliot (a thirteen-year-old boy) who is fascinated by the Borderlands: an otherworldly place where no piece of modern technology is allowed. The Borderlands are inhabited by wonderful magical creatures: elves, goblins, harpies and – the best as far as Elliot is concerned – mermaids.

#4: PART OF YOUR WORLD by Liz Braswell 

Part of Your World by Liz Braswell is ideal for awakening nostalgia and bringing out the inner child in every reader. This great book dwells on the question “What if Ariel had never defeated Ursula?” And describes a world where Ariel is the voiceless queen of Atlantica, her father King Triton is dead, and the wicked sea witch Ursula rules the human world… as a wife to the bewitched Prince Eric! Tired and disappointed in herself, Ariel suddenly discovers that her father may still be alive, and that there may be a way, after all, to repair the damage done, and regain her voice, family and dream husband.

#3: THE SECRET DEEP by Lindsay Galvin

Thirteen-year-old Aster and her eleven-year-old sister Poppy recently lost their mother and now have to travel from England to New Zealand, accompanied by their aunt Lona: a leading oncologist. Life seems dull, but then it gets strange after the two girls are sent to their aunt’s current place of work: an eco-village with no modern technology. Shortly afterwards, Aster wakes up alone on a deserted island, not knowing how she got there and where her sister might be. Meanwhile, her friend Sam starts searching for them.

#2: SEPTEMBER GIRLS by Bennet Madison

 We all love summer romances and “September Girls” is definitely one worth reading. It tells the story of Sam and her brother, who travel together with their father to a small seaside town for the summer. What at first seemed to be nothing more than a boring vacation turns into an intriguing adventure. Time seems to stand still in that little town, which seems full of beautiful blonde girls, quite attracted to Sam. One of those girls, DeeDee, happens to be special, unique and different…


After the untimely demise of Tikalie – the past princess of Antemidia (a charming, Mesoamerican undersea kingdom located in the Caribbean Sea) – Amelia is chosen by General Asvald to be her replacement . As the new elective princess, Amelia carries on her idyllic life in her stunning glass palace, filled with treasures from the most distant corners of the world…

Until one day, everything ends abruptly with a sudden seismic tremor that destroys the old and splendid capital of Antemidia, the mighty city of Atanga.

Amelia loses her crown, but what worries her more, is seeing her closest confidante Araminta in grave danger. She tries to help her, but in vain – waves throw her out on the beach. Lamenting the sad fates of her country and her friend’s presumed death, she can’t stop crying. Yet, destiny has a surprise in store. Soon, she’s going to meet Jet Mir – a banished sovereign and captain of a crab-shaped submarine, who vows to assist Amelia with rescuing her friend: who may or may not be dead.

There’s a hack, though: he has an arrangement to offer. Frantic to save her confidante, Amelia assents to it, agreeing to help him steal precious artifacts from significant mermaid figures from various seas, and aid him in reaching the goal of finding and awakening an ancient power…

This leads Amelia to Santa Ana, the Portuguese town full of greenery, crystal clear beaches, and elevated cafe. Shortly after her arrival, Amelia realizes that her greatest rival in the artifact chase will be an older sister she didn’t even know, she had…

Amelia’s story takes you on an adventure around the underwater world filled with countless mermaids kingdoms. What are you waiting for?  Start reading today!

Final thoughts on these awesome mermaid novels to read this summer:

There are many benefits to reading on the beach. One of them is that it’s an easy way to relax. You can take your time and enjoy yourself without feeling like you’re wasting time or being lazy. It’s also a great way to pass time when you’re waiting for someone or something else to happen. And if you have some free time after taking care of all your responsibilities, reading on the beach can be an amazing way to spend an afternoon or evening! There are many books out there about mermaids, but these five will surely be a great way to spend your summer.

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How to build and decorate a sandcastle? The definitive guide to building a great sandcastle

What is a sandcastle?

A sandcastle is a type of castle that is made out of sand. It is typically built on the beach.

Building sandcastles is a fun activity for kids and adults alike. It is a great way to spend time with your family and friends, while having some good old-fashioned fun.

A short history of sandcastles

  • The first mention of a sandcastle was in 1855, when it was mentioned in the book “The Little Duke” by Charlotte M. Yonge.
  • In 1891, the first known picture of a sandcastle was taken by photographer Edward J. Steichen at Rockaway Beach in New York City.
  • In 1923, the first known mention of a sandcastle contest was made in “The Brooklyn Daily Eagle”.
  • In 1931, the first known mention of an annual international competition for building sandcastles was made by “The Times” newspaper in England.
  • And finally, in 1934, the first international competition for building sandcastles took place.

Amelia Quintana’s sandcastle

In “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony,” Amelia made her own sandcastle, too. She first gathered damp sand into four mounds, and then turned them into stepped pyramids. After this, she connected them with walls, added one arched gate into the courtyard, and covered it with dry algae. Later, she decorated her castle with pebbles and shells.

Amelia constructed her castle because of a mermaid superstition: if a mermaid makes something close to her heart out of sand she’ll find it at the sea bottom.

Amelia reconstructed her palace, hoping, she’d see it again, but by the time she returned to Antemidia, the palace wasn’t ready yet.

The best tips and tricks for building a perfect sandcastle

Building a sandcastle is not as easy as it seems. It requires skill and patience to build the perfect sandcastle. So, we have compiled a list of tips that will help you build the best sandcastle possible:

The first thing you should do is prepare the sand. You can use a bucket, shovel or your hands to create a flat surface for building your castle.

Next, you should wet the sand by dipping it in water or spraying it with a hose. You want to make sure that the water is evenly distributed and that there are no dry patches of sand on top of wet patches of sand.

If you want to make your castle taller than it is wide, then start by making an inner wall in one corner of where you are going to build the castle and then making an outer wall around it.

How to decorate a sandcastle?

Once you’re done, you can also use your fingers or a spoon or spatula to create patterns on the surface like waves or ripples in the sand. This is where you can get creative and add decoration like shells, sea glass, algae, and other objects that you find at the beach!

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What to do at the beach in autumn, if the weather’s cold?

What to do at the beach in autumn, if the weather’s cold?

Many people associate the beach mainly with the summer holiday season: colorful umbrellas and screens stuck in the sand, coconut scent of sunbathing oil and the heat of the sun. As it gets colder, interest in the sea naturally declines, as owners of coastal businesses such as apartment rentals, seafood restaurants and souvenir shops know best.

Still, there are many reasons to go to the beach in the fall. We’ve gathered them all in this article.

Let’s start with a bath. Even if the vision of entering the water below a certain widely acceptable temperature frightens you, a cool bath in sea water has many healing benefits. When your body gives off heat to keep you warm, it also expels toxins from your skin’s pores. This process also fights cellulite, helping to make the skin smoother. You’ll also improve your circulation, not to mention swimming and surfing will help keep you in shape even in the later months of the year.

Photo by Olya Kobruseva on

If you don’t feel like swimming, go to the beach anyway, to enjoy the sea breeze. Iodine is good for the thyroid gland and negative ions have a positive effect on the brain, which secretes more serotonin. Thanks to her, you will feel relaxed, calm and happy.

If you want, you can combine this with a barefoot walk. There are many reflexology points on the foot: by walking on the soft sand, you give your feet – and the whole body – a therapeutic massage. A short walk will help you fill the gaps in vitamin D.

On a sunny day, you can take a thick blanket or pillow, a thermos with hot coffee, and a copy of “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” with you, and read to the sound of the waves – just dress warmly so as not to catch a cold.

If you are not into reading, but are an artistic soul, you can look for beautiful sights nearby, such as a lighthouse or fishing boats, and capture them in a photo or canvas.

If you have enough stubbornness, patience and luck you can also look out for fin whales, humpback whales, orcas and long-finned pilot whales. The easiest way to spot these animals is in late autumn.

You can also build a sand castle or invite your friends to play volleyball together. In fact, many things we do on the beach in summer, we can also do in autumn, when the sun is behind the clouds.

Autumn is also a good opportunity to help the marine environment, and clean up the rubbish that other tourists have left behind. Invite your friends interested in ecology to collect garbage together. Nothing brings people together more than volunteering together, and nature will undoubtedly appreciate your efforts.

If you feel cold, you can always go to a nearby café for hot tea and delicious apple pie.

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