Exploring the Unspoken Romantic Connection between Edith Dvali and Ehsan Kaspian in “Stories from the Undersea World of Mermaid Princess Amelia, Vol. 1” by Maxine Foti

The nature of Edith Dvali and Ehsan Kaspian’s relationship has puzzled readers of “Stories from the Undersea World of Mermaid Princess Amelia, Vol. 1” by Maxine Foti.

While the main plot of “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” revolves around the adventures of Amelia Quitnana and her friends in their various quests, a secondary storyline involves the interactions between Amelia’s friend, Edith Dvali, and Jet Mir Thakur, a submarine captain. Thus, readers were baffled to read about Edith’s friend, Ehsan Kaspian.

Their relationship has gained considerable enthusiasm among readers. Some fans have taken it upon themselves to fill in the gaps left by the author and create their own fanfiction stories that expand on Edith and Ehsan’s interactions, as they believe that the two friends’ bond goes beyond friendship and borders on romance.

In this article, we will analyze their story and check their interactions to see whether there was really something more.

Exploring the Unspoken Romantic Connection between Edith Dvali and Ehsan Kaspian

Let’s start from the basics:

Who are Edith and Ehsan?

To start with, Edith and Ehsan are both artists, although Edith is more of an amateur, and Ehsan – is a professional. When not in Portugal, Edith lives in the Hospitable Sea, as you know, and Ehsan is native to the Caspian Sea (thus his surname, Kaspian).

How did Edith and Ehsan meet?

They both met when Ehsan came to the Academy of Black Pillars at the Most Hospitable City after his country renewed its education exchange contracts with the Hospitable Sea in a bid to get on their good side. Edith didn’t study at the Academy of Black Pillars, though. She and Ehsan merely shared the same art teacher (Demian Khvylya), who also served at the court.

How did Edith and Ehsan become friends? What did their friendship look like?

Edith and Ehsan’s friendship blossomed due to their shared experiences. They were both under the tutelage of the same teacher, which allowed them to practice painting together and bond over their passion for art and oriental things.

Their conversations were always lively and interesting, and they never seemed to run out of topics to discuss. Whether chatting about their latest artistic creations or simply chatting about life, Edith and Ehsan were always there for each other.

When Edith began sketching a comic book based on the undersea classic called “The Lihiriental Sea Tales,” Ehsan was one of the first merpeople she told about it. They shared everything, and both cared deeply for each other.

How was Edith and Ehsan’s friendship affected by the local politics?

Despite the Hospitable Sea’s potential preference for the Sea of Marmara over the Caspian Sea, Edith and Ehsan’s relationship remained unaffected by this development. In fact, their bond only grew stronger, despite the uncertainty surrounding the situation.

Did Edith and Ehsan share romantic moments?

Edith and Ehsan shared a deep level of comfort with one another, often joking and teasing each other in a lighthearted manner. Edith would tease Ehsan about his secret fantasies of an undersea harem, which speaks to the closeness of their relationship. The pinnacle of their bond occurred when Ehsan confided in Edith, expressing his feelings of friendship towards her. Though it was a platonic confession, Edith was greatly affected. Due to her toxic family situation, she didn’t believe that anyone except her friends, Mariam Marzani and Grisha Cherepashka, could like her. She told Ehsan she also liked him.

What put Edith and Ehsan’s relationship to a sudden halt?

Eventually, the Hospitable Sea formed an alliance with the Sea of Marmara, leading to Ehsan’s departure from his relationship with Edith. Ehsan’s parents had arranged for him to marry Saliffa Hatim from Delshad, located in the Persian Gulf, which he felt obligated to do. The transition was challenging for Ehsan, causing strain in the marriage as he acclimated to his new circumstances.

Did Edith and Ehsan suffer after their separation?

Despite Ehsan’s efforts to fulfill his responsibilities as a husband to Saliffa, his absent-mindedness and emotional distance were palpable, which Saliffa interpreted as a lack of interest in their relationship. As a result, she isolated herself further, creating an emotional barrier that Ehsan could not breach.

In the meantime, Edith’s emotional turmoil persisted. Her close friend Mariam observed her misery, and it was evident that Edith was struggling to cope with her circumstances. As a result, Edith made the difficult decision to leave the place where she and Ehsan had shared their memories and relocate to Portugal in search of a fresh start.

Are Edith and Ehsan in love with each other or not?

Although Edith and Ehsan did not engage in any explicitly romantic behavior or confess their feelings to each other, their reactions to their separation suggested a deeper emotional connection between them. Their behaviors and expressions conveyed a sentiment that was beyond mere friendship, implying that their relationship was more meaningful than what was apparent on the surface.

This unspoken bond was perhaps the reason why Edith was so devastated when she had to leave Ehsan behind. Her decision to move to Portugal was not just a mere attempt to escape her current circumstances but also an effort to come to terms with her own feelings toward Ehsan. The gravity of their relationship was palpable, and it was evident that their connection was more than what met the eye. Despite the lack of any explicit romantic involvement, their unspoken bond had a profound impact on their lives.

Edith and Ehsan’s fates after the First Story Collection

As the first story collection came to a close, readers were left wondering about the untold stories of the characters they had come to love. Having read the first novel in the series, they knew about Edith’s romantic involvement with Jet Mir, but her connection with Ehsan remained shrouded in mystery…

The question on everyone’s mind was whether this aspect of Edith’s life would be explored in the next novels of the series. Similarly, the fate of Saliffa, who had fallen ill due to the curse of the demons, was another cliffhanger that left readers eager for the sequels. Did she recover? Or was her fate sealed forever? These unanswered questions only served to heighten the anticipation for the next installments in the series, leaving readers eagerly waiting for the next chapter in the lives of their beloved characters.

Will there be a happy ending for Edith and Ehsan? What does Maxine Foti say?

The fantasy series’ author, Maxine Foti, who’s known for her intricately woven plots and complex characters, has refrained from making any public statements regarding Edith and Ehsan’s relationship. Given her penchant for crafting stories that involve secret influences and the hand of destiny acting behind the scenes, it is highly improbable that she did not have a plan for Ehsan or the unspoken bond between these two characters.

As a master of her craft, Foti is known for her ability to create multi-layered narratives that leave readers questioning the true motivations of her characters – which is what makes her novels so gripping. It is safe to say that her silence on the matter only adds to the intrigue surrounding Edith and Ehsan, leaving readers eager to see what the future holds for these two figures…

Final Thoughts on Edith and Ehsan’s Relationship

In conclusion, the unanswered questions surrounding Edith and Ehsan’s relationship, as well as the fate of Saliffa, have left readers eagerly anticipating the next books. While Maxine Foti has remained tight-lipped on the matter, the world of fanfiction is ripe with possibilities for those who wish to explore these characters further.

For those who have fallen in love with the complex figures of Edith and Ehsan, and their “might-be” romance, the fanfiction community offers a way to delve deeper into their world and uncover the secrets that lie beneath the surface. So why not pick up your pen or open your laptop and start writing your own fanfic about Edith and Ehsan? The possibilities are endless, and the world is waiting to hear their story!

Exploring the Intricacies of Mermaid Marriage in the “Stories from the Undersea World of Mermaid Princess Amelia, Vol. 1” by Maxine Foti

The concept of boundless love seems to hold true even in the undersea world of Mermaid Princess Amelia. In volume one of ‘Stories from the Undersea World of Mermaid Princess Amelia,’ engaged and married couples are given a spotlight as we are given an insight into their lives and the obstacles that they encounter.

The tales of love and devotion provide valuable insights into the dynamics of relationships, so come along with us as we delve into the deep waters of the undersea world of Mermaid Princess Amelia and examine the complexities of marriage in this captivating article!

Married Couples from the “Stories from the Undersea World of Mermaid Princess Amelia, Vol. 1”

Saliffa Hatim-Kaspian and Ehsan Kaspian

Firstly, let’s discuss Saliffa Hatim-Kaspian and Ehsan Kaspian. They got married due to the alliance between the Caspian Sea and Delshad. Initially, the alliance was supposed to be between Ehsan and Edith Dvali to strengthen the bond between their kingdoms.

However, Edith’s kingdom decided to form an alliance with the Sea of Marmara, which led to Ehsan marrying Saliffa in Delshad. Initially, Saliffa was against getting married at an early age, but she had no choice when her father refused to listen to her.

However, her heart leaped in the first moment she laid eyes on her future husband. She felt an instant fascination with him. Ehsan, too, seemed smitten with Saliffa. He showered her with gifts and compliments, and everything felt perfect.

However, the fairy tale romance didn’t last long. After their wedding, Ehsan’s demeanor changed drastically. He became cold and distant, leaving Saliffa feeling confused and hurt. The man who had once made her feel like the center of the universe now seemed to barely acknowledge her existence.

Saliffa tried to bridge the gap between them, but Ehsan remained aloof. It quickly became evident that something was amiss. Saliffa discovered that Ehsan was still holding onto feelings for his past love, Edith.

Despite Saliffa’s efforts to win his heart, Ehsan remained distant, causing her to feel hopeless and alone. She longed for the love and affection she had felt in the beginning, but it seemed as if those days were long gone.

If you’re curious what was the first step to them repairing their marriage, you’ll definitely want to check out the story collection. It’s considered one of the best works by Maxine Foti, and you surely won’t be disappointed!

Darya Hatim and Shah Parviz Hatim

In close proximity to Saliffa and her family resides her mother, Darya Hatim, who is married to Shah Parviz Hatim of Delshad. Together, they are proud parents of seven daughters, with Roshanara Hatim-Sharma being the eldest and Saliffa Hatim-Kaspian – being the youngest.

Although details about their marriage remain scarce, one thing is certain: they are devoted life partners. Mrs. Hatim is portrayed in the book as a reserved, patient, and deeply religious individual who places great importance on family. On the other hand, Shah Parviz Hatim is depicted as a resolute, protective, and assertive figure. Notwithstanding their distinct personalities, their love and dedication to one another have endured through the ages.

Shanaya Mia Khanda-Madhu and Shri Mir Madhu

Shanaya Khanda is a mermaid from the Honey Earth who hailed from the slum district of Mrigatrishna City, leaving her first partner Kiran Chari, with whom she had a daughter named Kashvi Chari (also known as Kashvi Thakur, the adopted sister of Jet Mir Thakur). She became a harem mistress and eventually married the great maharaja, Shri Mir Madhu – who was not loyal to his first wife, Lohita Mia Madhu, either. He had a child from that relationship, too, Lipika Mia Madhu, who, together with her mother, fled to the Ninad Kingdom.

It remains one big mystery as to why the maharaja chose to abandon his family. Some fans boldly speculate that the seductive powers of the mermaid lured him away, while others suggest his dislike for his wife and daughter may have played a role. There are also those who believe his actions were driven by a selfish desire to prevent his sister Jaya Mia Madhu-Thakur and her son Jet Mir Thakur from taking control of the country. Whatever the reason may be, the consequences of his decision have had a lasting impact on the people of Honey Earth.

Nubemtekh Khaled and Amun Khaled

The story collection also introduces us to Nubia Khaled’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Khaled. Nubemtekh Khaled is married to Amun Khaled; however, it is revealed that Amun was not Nubemtekh’s first love. Unfortunately, her first love left her at the last moment, leaving her heartbroken. This wasn’t an accident: Mr. Khaled intervened in a paranormal manner. If you are curious to figure out how he did it, be sure to read the story collection!

Continuing the topic of their marriage, currently, their jobs keep them apart, and they reside in different locations. Amun works at a museum in Cairo, which often requires him to travel with exhibits throughout Europe. Meanwhile, Nubemtekh resides in Lotus State Capital, Nakht-Ankh. Yet despite the physical distance between them, their love endures, and they find ways to make their marriage work.

Final Thoughts on the Marriage in the “Stories from the Undersea World of Mermaid Princess Amelia, Vol. 1”

In conclusion, the marriages in the undersea world of Mermaid Princess Amelia showcase the various challenges and triumphs that couples face in their journey of love and commitment. It is safe to say that, in essence, these fictional marriages serve as a reflection of real-world relationships, where love is not always easy, but with effort and dedication, it can withstand the test of time.

If you are in search of a book that will escort you on a love voyage, then the story collection is the right read for you. So why not buy the book today and immerse yourself in the tales of love and commitment that will leave you feeling inspired and hopeful about your own relationships?

Do not overlook the chance to gain insights from the encounters of these mermaid duos and elevate your own relationship to the succeeding level. Get your copy today and discover the secrets of love and commitment from the mermaid world!

Edith Dvali and Jet Mir Thakur – Short Romance Movie based on “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony,” and Maxine Foti’s opinion on Edith and Jet Mir’s relationship portrayed in her book

Written by Mermaid Maxine

If you’ve ever hoped to watch a short romance movie about Edith and Jet Mir, it’s possible now! Get a glimpse of how they became best friends and how their love story may have looked like, before everything fell apart.

I personally like this short romance movie a lot but won’t lie that I have a love-hate relationship with Edith and Jet Mir as a couple. Don’t get me wrong, I adore them as separate characters, I also like their colors, I’ve always felt that black and gold make an amazing color match. But, I feel like, Edith and Jet Mir’s love story in “…The Lost Symphony” looks flat and implausible. For which, obviously, I can only blame myself, but you need to remember I was barely seventeen when writing the first draft of this book. At that time, I was mostly focused on school, art, and didn’t think much about love.

There will be ten years (or more) of my writing and life experience, between “…The Lost Symphony” and “The Destiny’s Theater,” and, I feel that “…The Destiny’s Theater” will be much better than “…The Lost Symphony.” I hope to pay more attention to protagonists’ feelings. Currently, my own opinion of “…The Lost Symphony” is that it’s rich in descriptions and action, but not emotions, and my style had changed tremendously, especially in the past four years.

More often than not, I feel like, “…The Lost Symphony” could have deeper emotions, and more life lessons and parables, but then again, it wouldn’t make sense from Amelia’s perspective. She’s just sixteen, and she can’t think like she’s twice that age, or older. That would be unnatural on her.

Returning to the topic of Edith and Jet Mir, one thing that I can’t deny, is that they both become some kind of “parental figures” for Amelia, after the earthquake. Amelia always hangs out with the one, or the other, and it remains so until the end of the novel.

By the way, if you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube Channel yet, don’t do it! My channel is nearly empty, and, I haven’t decided yet what type of content to post, I’m still in the trial stages. So – don’t subscribe! Instead, follow this blog, because, all best videos will be displayed here. Ciao!

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Grab your copy of “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” here…
Spanish: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Z8GK1JX
Italian: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0953PN3Y7

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Fan Theory: Do Jet Mir Thakur and Amelia Quintana secretly care about each other?! Part 2.

Written by Mermaid Carlene

Hi folks! Welcome to the second part of my fan theory titled “Do Jet Mir Thakur and Amelia Quintana secretly care about each other?!” If you haven’t read the first part, you can find in the archive, and if you have already, then dive in!

Chapter 10 – After Davika exposed the truth about Amelia’s artifact hunt, Amelia feels confused. On one hand, she’s happy to have been freed from the mission, but on the other, she feels disappointed that she didn’t manage to help Jet Mir. Even though he had tricked her into this (which his sisters pointed out to her long ago), she still feels responsible, and cares. When she eventually tells the truth to Edith, and Edith admits she and Jet Mir are exes, Amelia is very surprised. She finds it difficult to picture them together, and asks for details. As Edith explains the situation further, Amelia tries to persuade Edith to loan her artifact to Jet Mir. She’s still trying to fulfill her mission, even though, she’d already failed! This girl really can’t give up on a promise she gave… Or is he so important to her?

Chapter 11 – By the end of this chapter, Jet Mir’s submarine appears in Nerland. It’s unclear whether it’s a coincidence or not. What if he had learnt about the journey from e.g. Sawa and went after Amelia on purpose?!

Chapter 12 – Amelia sees Jet Mir in yet another uniform, and thinks to herself: “I had to admit, he looked really stunning in that choice of clothes.” This shows one more time that she finds him good-looking. Later, as Lara confirms that Jet Mir was a lecturer, Amelia realizes once again that he had told the truth, and her trust in him increases some more. Then, Jet Mir meets Edith, and at this point, it’s highly likely that his old feelings for her reconcile, because he forgets about everything else. Amelia seems to be genuinely happy for them… But she’s also a bit jealous. She watches Jet Mir focus on Edith, and as he finally looks at her, she comments in her mind: “He finally sent me a quick glance.” Later, she also comments that “it was strange to see him (preoccupied with Edith) like this.” In this same chapter, Amelia saves Hansuke, thinking that it’s Taisuke, her karate partner. At this point, it becomes clear that Jet Mir is into Edith, and Amelia (probably) into Taisuke. But that’s not the end of their relationship (or story).

Chapter 13 – It’s Amelia’s birthday, and Araminta organizes a trip home for her. However, this trip wouldn’t be possible without Jet Mir, who agreed to bring Amelia and her friends to Antemidia. He knew how much Amelia wanted to go back home, even without her saying anything, and now he had decided to help. In the same chapter, Amelia and Edith bump into Irene, and Irene criticizes Edith for having feelings for Jet Mir. Amelia then reassures her, saying, they had done the right thing, and calls Jet Mir their “dear friend.” She recognizes that he had all-inclusive holidays in Portugal thanks to him.

Chapter 14 – In this chapter, Amelia, Lara and Edith talk about boys. Lara and Edith both insist that Amelia has a date with Taisuke, and that she’s got a crush on him. Is Edith doing this on purpose, so as to make sure, Amelia won’t develop feelings for her boyfriend? It could be like that. In the same chapter, we learn, Amelia is still counting on Jet Mir’s help with some things.

Chapter 15 – As Amelia makes a plan to leave for the Mausoleum of the Lost Symphonies, she calls Jet Mir and he’s the only person she tells where she’s going. Not Edith, not Taisuke, not anyone else.

Chapter 19 – As Amelia leaves the Mausoleum of the Lost Symphonies, she spots Jet Mir’s submarine again. He had come to the place with Edith, and brought a squad of the Global Ocean’s Army. Amelia is happy to see him, and she wishes him luck with the petition that he’ll be writing.

The epilogue – Amelia mentions that her time in Portugal was an incredible adventure, and says that it all began with her meeting Jet Mir.

After all this, I think that it’s perfectly safe to say, Amelia and Jet Mir really care for each other. He’s always there for her, or at least close enough to show up at the right time.

Although Amelia couldn’t do as much for him, as he had done for her, it’s obvious she considered him important. She really cared about keeping promises made to him, and as she learnt that he loved Edith, she supported their relationship.

Even though she may not be romantically in love with him, it’s clear that he means really a lot of her and that she likes him.

I think that if it hadn’t been for Edith and Taisuke, Amelia would have ended up as Jet Mir’s girlfriend. Maybe, she was starting to have feelings for him, but they got extinguished, as his feelings for Edith got retriggered.

It’s important to remember, Amelia really cared about Edith. She felt disarmed by the girl’s kindness, and wished the best for her.

I’m very curious what’s going to happen between Amelia, Jet Mir and Edith in the second novel of the “Mermaid Princess Amelia” fantasy series. And you?!

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Grab your copy of “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” here…
Spanish: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Z8GK1JX
Italian: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0953PN3Y7

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Fan Theory: Do Jet Mir Thakur and Amelia Quintana secretly care about each other?! Part 1.

Written by Mermaid Carlene

Amelia Quintana and Jet Mir Thakur don’t really belong to each other… We know it. Still, I find their relationship quite interesting. I think that they’re good friends, and that Jet Mir cares much more about Amelia than he’d like to admit. In this article, we will pay a closer look to the two and everything that happened to them in the first novel of the “Mermaid Princess Amelia” fantasy series.

We will go chapter by chapter, as there are quite many scenes with the two of them, and, I don’t want to miss anything that might be of importance to you. Of course, chapters where Jet Mir isn’t mentioned,

Let’s get started!

Chapter 2 – Amelia grieves on the beach, and Jet Mir recognizes her as an Antemidian. Seeing she’s distressed, he begins the talk and almost instantly. He talks to her about the earthquake, listens with empathy, and offers to go look for her friend. All these things make our young (and naïve) protagonist trust him. She accompanies him on the submarine, and listens about his family and submarine. When Jet Mir takes time to venture out to rescue Araminta, Amelia learns that there’s something wrong. She gets enraged when he tries to force her into signing a contract with him.

Chapter 3 – Despite irritation, Amelia signs the contract. As she reunites with Araminta, her negative feelings improve, and she begins to view Jet Mir with more respect. She pays more attention to his looks, commenting, he looked good in his uniform. It feels that the dinner she had with him, helped them reconcile on a basic level.

Chapter 4 – Amelia and Jet Mir talk together about the details of the mission. The atmosphere is friendly, and devoid of conflict. Amelia has accepted the fact that she’s got to go on the mission, and she’s willing to do her best. Jet Mir had already done several good things for her: he gave her and Araminta shelter in his submarine, sharing food and all other things that he had. He had also rented her an apartment in Santa Ana, and brought her as close to the town, as he could. He also gave her a compass so she’d remember about him. The gift made Amelia happy, and before they parted, Jet Mir told her, to send him a telegraph.

Chapter 5 – Amelia learns that Jet Mir rented the apartment for twelve months, which freaks her out, as she doesn’t want to be grounded in that place for so long. However, she’s still determined to fulfill her obligation towards him. She begins to look for artifacts almost instantly, and in the very same chapter, he sends her large parcel with clothes and other things that she may need on land.

Chapter 6 – Amelia meets Jet Mir’s sisters in Edith’s apartment, and learns that they’re against him. As they try to persuade her to give up on the mission, she’s not thrilled. She cares a lot about the promise made to him and doesn’t want to run away. As Edith asks her later, if she knows Jet Mir, Amelia lies, to avoid failing the mission.

Chapter 7 – As Amelia ponders her connection to Nerland, Jet Mir startles her. She nearly attacks him, but apologizes as soon as she recognizes him. He covers them both with his umbrella, and they talk. He gives her several tips which will help with the mission, and brings her the pendant belonging to her sister, as he had learnt from Sawa, Amelia already knows about her connection to Nerland. Amelia mentions that he “gently took her hand and put the pendant in it.” Then they go take a walk, which ends with Jet Mir using his gaze to hypnotize Amelia so that she doesn’t see him walking away. Amelia gets upset, taking that as a sign of disrespect. However, it’s unlikely Jet Mir actually wanted to disrespect her, taking into consideration everything that he had done for her earlier. Maybe he had done it to check, if he could affect her with his merman powers? As Luiz emerges from the crowd moments later, Amelia’s hopelessly annoyed and gets rid of him at the very first possibility. It’s clear that she didn’t want her meeting with Jet Mir, to end that fast. Interestingly, in this very same chapter, Amelia begins to struggle with opposing Edith, as the girl had become her friend too.

Chapter 8 – When the books disappear from Sawa’s antique shop, Amelia thinks to herself, it might be Jet Mir’s fault. It’s clear that she doesn’t completely trust him, especially after the first conflicts that they had, and his sudden disappearance the other day. Sawa reminds her though that Jet Mir is a friend. Amelia thinks to herself, Sawa became evil because of Jet Mir and she’s scared of going down the same path.

Chapter 9 – Sawa and Amelia meet Jet Mir in the Land of Barite Roses. Amelia watches Jet Mir bargain over some product, and look at their artifact. Then, Jet Mir discloses how he had given Sawa her alibi. He also adds that his sisters aren’t really his sisters but rather “lost wanderers.” At this point, we can see that he’s being honest with her. Later in the same chapter, Amelia and Jet Mir meet on the submarine’s roof. Jet Mir is wearing a white bathrobe which is likely his pyjama. He calls Amelia “sleeping beauty” and as she asks if she can sit down next to him, he replies “of course.” As she hugs her tail, sad after discovering the truth about Araminta/Samantha, Jet Mir is concerned with her being cold. As she tells him, it’s nothing, he keeps asking more questions, clearly noticing she’s unwell. He shared he’d had an identity crisis later, and offers a listening ear. This is so far the most romantic moment between the two, still, Amelia hesitates to open up. She considers him to be a riddle, and adds that she never knows whether he’s serious, or not. In the end, she opens up to him, and he just listens. At this point, Amelia likely feels that he’s her friend already cause she considers talking to him openly about abandoning the mission (because of her friendship with Edith).

I’ll pause summarizing chapters at this moment because, I want to share my own opinion on the matter. I’m thinking to myself, Jet Mir might have caught feelings for Amelia, and as early, as in the second chapter. He knows she could leave him, and so he first locks her in his submarine, and then, forces her to sign a contract that will bind them. Even though he’s an exiled prince whose funds are probably limited, he spends tons of money on her, buying her everything that she might need. To that, he gives her presents, too. He’s checking on her, he offers help, and a listening ear, and once, he even uses his triton powers, to hypnotize her.

In the next chapters, we learn that he had been in love with Edith. This makes me think that maybe, he had viewed Amelia as some sort of rebound, a second chance for love. He had placed her in the same town and tenement, where his ex lived. It might be seen as an excuse to see Edith more often, sure, but if you pay attention, Jet Mir always catches Amelia in places where Edith does not appear or waits for her to go see him. In fact, Edith and Jet Mir meet each other by accident. With this in mind, it’s highly likely, Jet Mir recommended the empty apartment in Linda’s tenement, because, it was a place that he knew about. Also, he was likely sure that the owner – Linda – could be trusted to take care of a teenage girl, and that was what Amelia needed.

Another reason why I think that he wanted Amelia to be his second chance for love, is because he had given her a mission to collect artifacts, which was something that Edith had failed to helped him with. He had also smartly bounded her with a contract, so she wouldn’t be able to bail on him that easily – like Edith had done.

It feels like, Jet Mir really had caught feelings for Amelia in the first half of the novel! Unfortunately, in his attempt to do everything right, he had committed several mistakes that upset her, and prevented her from seeing him as a potential love interest.

Curious what happens next? Make sure to come back tomorrow and check the new article! That’s not the end of my amazing theory.

Related articles:

Grab your copy of “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” here…
Spanish: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Z8GK1JX
Italian: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0953PN3Y7

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5 less visible but beautiful friendships in “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony”

Written by Mermaid Carlene

There were plenty of articles already about the friendship between Amelia and Edith; but in reality, there are many more beautiful friendships in “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony.” Some of those are barely visible; others are visible, yet highly intriguing. In this short article I have gathered the ones which I found most interesting. Dive in!

  1. Amelia Quintana and Leticia Alvarez

Leticia doesn’t appear anywhere in the first novel, unless we count the video message she sent to Amelia. Nevertheless, Amelia always remembers about her, and mentions her several times. It seems that the bond between their countries was so strong, Antemidia and Gulf of Mexico had a personal union. If you’re not familiar with that, it’s a situation where both countries remain sovereign, but they share one ruler. This means, Amelia and Leticia both have some say in ruling each other’s countries. Amelia states that they “helped each other whenever they could,” and the Gulf of Mexico  sent disaster relief to Antemidia after the earthquakes.

The news of Leticia’s illness greatly saddened Amelia, who insisted on knowing what happened, even though, she had her hands full of other duties. The fact that Leticia made the effort to send the video message to Amelia, despite her poor condition, shows she really trusted Amelia – so much, she entrusted her final wish to her (which was saving Kamadia).

Amelia didn’t hesitate even for one moment. That’s how important Leticia was for her. Amelia also knew well that Leticia cared about her, because as she talked to Kamadia, she told her: “Leticia always remembers her friends.” And of course, she was really glad to have saved her.

  • Jet Mir Thakur and Sawa Zielinska

What’s between Jet Mir and Sawa is yet another example of strong, yet barely visible friendships that appear in “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony.”

At first,Sawa didn’t trust Jet Mir. She wasn’t sure, if she should join him. It likely happened because of her younger sister Mewa, who wanted to travel around the world.

Sawa couldn’t officially let her sister join him, hence, she helped Jet Mir stage a kidnapping. What comes to mind is that at that point, she must have trusted Jet Mir very much.

It was probably the same for Jet Mir. Taking Mewa in meant that he had to care for her wellbeing and also living expenses.

This shows, something special must have happened between Sawa and Jet Mir that made them confide in one another.

We know that Jet Mir entrusted her to take care of the artifacts. He actually picked Amelia to be her accomplice, as we learn in one of the chapters.

It’s likely though that Sawa didn’t know about Jet Mir’s love for Edith. Otherwise, it’s highly likely that she would’ve done something to help them.

It’s also likely that Sawa knew, other mermaids would judge her for keeping in touch with Jet Mir – which was also  why, she had kept that a secret.

Whatever the case, it’s obvious that she and Jet Mir trust each other very much.

  • Taisuke Hayama and Jayden Katharos 

Before Amelia’s arrival, Taisuke and Jayden were partners in the karate dojo in Santa Ana. It’s unknown if they met each other there, or earlier. Whatever the case, the two are quite close.

Jayden seems to have a good understanding of Taisuke’s skills and fighting style – cause later, when he and Amelia watched Taisuke’s fight with Cristóvão, Jayden knew that Taisuke would lose. Jayden also saw that Taisuke was going easy on Amelia in their fights.

It’s highly likely that he’s perfectly aware, how much Taisuke likes Amelia. Because later, as she asks for Jayden’s help, Jayden rejects her, letting Taisuke take that role.

It’s also worth noting that Taisuke confided in Jayden about his personal matters once. Jayden shared some of that information with Amelia, hoping, she’ll become his friends too.

The sentence which shows most how much Taisuke and Jayden care for one another, is when Jayden calls Taisuke his “bro” and tells him, he can always count on him. Taisuke responds “vice versa” which shows that he feels the same.

  • Marzia Mond and Vera Fehér

Marzia Mond had several friends: Kamon Thani, Ailish Giomach, Estella Santoro… But the one she seemed to have cared about the most, was Vera Fehér.

How do we know it?

The answer is simple: Marzia gave her unwanted baby to Vera. Not Kamon, not Ailish, not Estella – but Vera.

Also, after Vera managed to escape from the Mausoleum, she instantly contacted Lumina. Since that moment, the two have kept in touch. This means, Lumina recognized Vera as an important person.

It’s also highly likely, Vera told Lumina about Amelia at some point. Perhaps though, Lumina deduced it herself that Adavan was Amelia’s father.

Whatever the case, Vera was Marzia’s closest friend from the KAVEM District.

  • Lumina Mond and Tikalie Uxmal

The friendship between Lumina Mond and Tikalie Uxmal is one of the more intriguing ones.

We know almost nothing of its beginnings. It’s highly likely, though, that Lumina sought to become friends with the ruler from Antemidia, to find some clues about her sister.

The friendship between her and Tikalie must have been quite deep, since she travelled across the ocean  to meet her.

Tikalie trusted Lumina a lot. They never stopped writing letters, not even after Tikalie feigned her death. In the one lone letter that Amelia happened to have found, Lumina wrote: “Your best friend always.” If you remember right, friendships hold a special space in Antemidians’ hearts.

Tikalie failed to show up on the appointment set by Lumina, which is a pity. Hopefully, we can see them reunite again in the next novels of the “Mermaid Princess Amelia” fantasy series.

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The romantic relationship between Kamadia and Hansuke in “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” by Maxine Foti

The romantic relationship between Kamadia and Hansuke in “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony”

Written by Mermaid Carlene

“Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” isn’t your stereotypical mermaid-meets-human love story. Amelia is still far from admitting she has romantic feelings for anybody, and Edith’s situation isn’t much better – she and Jet Mir still have a long way, to a happy relationship.

There’s one more couple, though, that almost didn’t get any attention on this blog, and so, I decided to write about them. I’m talking about Kamadia and Hansuke, obviously.

Amelia first hears about them from Edith. As she mentions her karate partner Taisuke to her, Edith asks: “Not Hansuke?” and adds, he dated her friend Kamadia.

In another conversation, she tells Amelia, Kamadia was in the team of Santa Ana mermaids, but disappeared after her birthday. Apparently, she went home for her birthday, and never came back.

After that, Amelia rescues someone from drowning. She thinks that this is Taisuke, but to her surprise, it turns out, it’s his brother Hansuke.

Here’s where we learn that Hansuke is an arrogant, self-entitled brat, who doesn’t respect anybody, not even his own brother – often calling him a loser and ridiculing the things that Taisuke does (you can find more details in here).

It turns out, though, that Hansuke has a good reason to be annoyed: he’s grieving the loss of Kamadia, who went missing. It’s highly likely that Hansuke is so angry because he feels powerless about this situation.

Interestingly, when Amelia meets Kamadia in the Mausoleum of Lost Symphonies, she’s just as started by her attitude as when she had met Hansuke. Kamadia is so depressed, she doesn’t care about making a good impression on Amelia. She states that she had forgotten about everything that happened earlier, to protect herself from madness.

It would look like Kamadia and Hansuke are angry at the whole world because life just isn’t going how they’d like it to. They also suffer because of their separation, however, while Hansuke is still trying to do something to find Kamadia, Kamadia gave up completely.

When Edith hugs Kamadia after their reunion, she calls her with an affectionate nickname “Kami” – same one that Hansuke used as he had spoken about Kamadia, to Amelia.

Interestingly, “Kami” is the Japanese word for spirit or deity. Hence, in a lot of ways, “Kami” is a lot like “Edha” – Edith’s nickname that she had got from Jet Mir, and that means “sacred.”

When Kamadia and Hansuke reunite, it’s as if the time apart didn’t happen at all. He instantly lifts her in the air and turns her around, causing her to feel flustered. This points to the fact that their bond is quite strong. It looks like, Hansuke really loves Kamadia.

Still, we know nothing of how they met and got together, and what their relationship looks like every day. Hopefully we can learn something more about it in “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Destiny’s Theater.”

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Grab your copy of “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” here…
Spanish: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Z8GK1JX
Italian: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0953PN3Y7

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Everything that you’ve always wanted to know about Jet Mir’s sisters

Everything that you’ve always wanted to know about Jet Mir’s sisters

Written by Merman Moises

Edited by Mermaid Mara

Jet Mir’s marbled submarine acts as home to a colorful, patchwork family, consisting of the captain and his sisters that together roam seas searching for adventure, wealth, and different ways to return home.

Although living together, Jet Mir and his sisters aren’t necessarily siblings, at least not from a conventional point of view. They aren’t bounded by blood, but rather – a sad destiny that forced them all to leave.

At one end is Darsha; the oldest of them all, about thirty years old and very close to Kashvi. These two girls have oriental features, dark, wavy hair and a similar height, though their eyes are different shades of gold in each. Kashvi and Darsha left Jet Mir, choosing to join Lumina instead. It’s difficult to tell anything about their personalities, but both tend to use the word “honey” a lot when they speak.

Then there’s Namya: a mysterious mermaid with dark skin and golden hair that she tends to curl up in buns. She’s not very talkative, and she’s surely hiding some sad story, but what story? Hopefully we can learn more in the next novels of the series.

Meghna – a tall, plump girl with yellow eyes, shiny hair, and a jonquil tail – makes much friendlier impression on the reader. It’s quite common to see her playing and frolicking with her adoptive sisters, playing games such as “the one who holds the paperweight is a sponge.” She also takes care of household chores, like cleaning and cooking.

It wouldn’t be far-fetched to imagine that at least one of them could be an important personality in the politics of the Honey Grounds – or another country. The reason for it is the fourth sister, Meevani, whose name is actually Mewa.

Together with her older sister Sawa, Mewa is one of the crown princesses of a triton kingdom located south of the Baltic Sea. A kingdom that ended depopulated because of the conservative and complacent policies of the ruling family.

Both Sawa and Mewa left the ghost kingdom in the hands of their parents, moving to Portugal where they began new lives. Sawa ensconced herself in her shadowy bookshop; Mewa went to the extreme, by setting up a ruse in front of her friends, to join Jet Mir’s team. Although Sawa didn’t join her, she remained in contact with Jet Mir, to always have news about Mewa.

Although Jet Mir’s sisters didn’t play any major roles in “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony,” we hope to learn more about them, their stories, and their destinies, in the next novels of the “Mermaid Princess Amelia” fantasy series.

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Grab your copy of “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” here…
Spanish: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Z8GK1JX
Italian: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0953PN3Y7

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Are there any LGBTQIA+ characters in “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony”?

Are there any LGBTQIA+ characters in “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony”?

Some future reader recently asked me if there were any LGBT subplots in Mermaid Princess Amelia fantasy series.  Since LGBT issues are a heated topic, I realized that it would be a good idea to write an article about it.

In general, “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” is an old novel. Even though the English version was published in 2021, the first draft of this and the second novel (“Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Destiny’s Theater”), was written in 2007-2010.

Back in those times, LGBT issues in Poland (Maxine’s country) weren’t as broadly discussed as they’re now. They received minimal attention from the media – unlike now, when they’re one of the most heated topics.

We know that Maxine and her team attended the pride parade of her hometownin 2019, to show support to the LGBT community. Still, it remains a fact that there aren’t any LGBT characters and subplots in her older works (such as the first two novels of the “Mermaid Princess Amelia” series). In “…The Lost Symphony,” nobody comes out, and the very few relationships described are all straight.

It’s important to note, though, that romance subplots are really scarce in this novel. Amelia herself doesn’t seem to care much about dating. Some may say she’s aromantic. However, Maxine said that it’s not the case. “You have to remember, Amelia is just fifteen/sixteen. At that age, I didn’t care about romance at all. I was all about friendships, school and hobbies. (…) Nowadays, there’s this trend that there must be a romance subplot in every teenage book, with twelve or thirteen year old girls meeting their true love. That’s not what real life’s like. It’s completely unrealistic and also harmful: it gives teenagers pressure to find somebody, just for the sake of meeting some social standard.”

As you can see from the quote above, she wants to give her protagonist time to grow, exactly like J. K. Rowling did when writing Harry Potter.

But returning to LGBT issues: what about trans and gender non-conforming characters?

Maxine has trans friends so she’s familiar with trans issues. However, in the first two novels, there isn’t anyone who’d even mention questioning their gender identity. Some characters may appear as gender non-conforming, but that was probably accidental, since – like we already said before – the first drafts of “…The Lost Symphony” and “…The Destiny’s Theater” were written long before the discussion about LGBT issues became heated in Maxine’s country.

Two examples of gender non-conforming character would be Captain Jet Mir and General Aalona. Captain Jet Mir, who’s biologically male, has beautiful long hair and is described by Amelia as “more feminine than masculine.” He also spends much more time with girls than women. Conversely, General Aalona is a biologically female character who has a male name, and a very stern personality. She’s also a military prodigy, and we can safely say that this job sector is typically dominated by males (in the US, only 1/5 of military are women, and there are only 8% of them in the navy).

However, just because these characters are what they are, doesn’t mean that they’re trans or having issues with their gender identities. It wasn’t the author’s original idea. Still, if someone’s trans or gender non-conforming and wants to interpret these characters are such, they’re free to do so.

Having said all this, the question remains: are there going to be new, officially LGBT characters later on in the series?

The answer is: very probably.

The first novel is written in the spirit of globalization and cultural diversity. Amelia herself is a respectful and friendly character who tries not to judge. She’s imperfect, yes, but her efforts are admirable anyways.

One of more memorable dialogues is when she talks to Taisuke about his undersea ancestry. Even though he’s from a feared mermaid kingdom with a scary cult of demons, she doesn’t judge him. When he inquires if she’ll think of him less, she says “no, no way, you’re always cool in my eyes, Taisuke.”

Then, there’s also one short dialogue between her and Luiz. Amelia is generally annoyed with him, as he always unwillingly creates troubles for her. So, she’s got generally little patience around him. As they talk, and he’s surprised she isn’t Christian, she thinks to herself “does he think that there’s only one religion in the world”? Even though this shows mostly how irritated she is, it’s also a sign that she is aware that there are many different things that people may believe in.

With all this in mind, we hope to see some officially bi, lesbian, gay, and trans characters in the next novels of the series. It’s most likely that a lesbian character will be first, since currently, 2/3 of characters are female.

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Grab your copy of “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” here…
Spanish: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Z8GK1JX
Italian: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0953PN3Y7

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The elderly characters from “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” by Maxine Foti

The elderly characters from “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony”

Written by Mermaid Mara

Today is the Respect For The Aged Day. Because of this, we have decided to write an article about older characters from “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony.”

Let’s start from the most important one: Chief General Asvald Altamira, the real ruler of Antemidia. General Asvald is one of the characters that Amelia respects most, for several reasons.

First of all, he’s the one who chose her to be the princess. This shows us one of the greatest and most important duties of the elderly: to help those who are younger find their path, and show them, how big things can be achieved.

Second, General Asvald is always willing to continue supporting Amelia, even if she makes mistakes. He understands that she’s still young and has the right to make wrong choices. General Asvald protects Amelia and her friends from other people’s attacks in the court; and he takes her goals into consideration, listening to her wish to stay in Portugal.

And third, in many ways, we can call him a “grandfatherly” figure for Amelia. She tries to find him during earthquake, after leaving palace, but is distracted, spotting Araminta.

Later, when she finds her mother’s portrait, and notices the woman’s military uniform with several army  decorations, she instantly wants to talk to General Asvald about it.

Interestingly, Amelia doesn’t change her opinion of General Asvald, even after hearing about the crime that he had committed in the past (top secret spoiler, one we can’t disclose on this blog, but you can always read the book and figure it out for yourself!). It seems Amelia has full trust in General Asvald, and vice versa: he entrusts her with confidential matters of the country, such as the location of ancient tablets.

Does that mean, all elderly characters in Mermaid Princess Amelia, enjoy such popularity? The answer is no, unfortunately. Complex as it is, the novel shows us a full spectrum: on one side, we have great characters such as Asvald, and on the other – evil ones, such as Kolthida and Sokhanya, the demons ruling over the Mausoleum of Lost Symphonies.

Both women are portrayed as selfish, unreasonable, stubborn, and convinced that the world’s still at their feet. They’re also envious of their descendants’ health and magic, using complex rituals to rob them, and take everything for themselves.

There’s also the great problem of the mass exodus from Southern Baltic Sea. Even though Maxine Foti seldom partakes in any political conversations, this time, she made an exception, and wrote the sea’s story as a warning for her own country, Poland. To understand what she meant, let’s make a quick recap:

Sister princesses, Sawa and Mewa, are from Southern Baltic, an undersea country ruled by their traditional and strict parents. In order to win the society’s votes, the parents adopted a very conservative policy of ruling (focusing mostly on elders’ wishes, and forgetting about youth). This lead to a massive exodus from the country, until, there wasn’t anyone young left.

This story refers to the controversial situation in Poland, where there’s the cultural war between the conservative and liberal parts of the society.

By writing about the exodus, Maxine wants to remind Poland that even though it is important to respect the wishes of the elderly, adults’ and youngsters’ needs must also be taken into consideration, as they’re the current or future workforce.

Can the youngsters and the elders learn to communicate better, over time? That’s a  good question. For sure, a certain openness is need.

When Amelia meets Taisuke out of the dojo, he mentions reading “The old man and the sea,” by Ernest Hemingway. When she asks him for the reason, he states it’s a school assignment, but he’s enjoying it nevertheless. The classic is in reality about a person’s fight with the troubles in life.

 The fact that Taisuke likes this novel, shows, he can bond with the main character, and that’s something showing us that the youngsters and elderly can definitely understand each other and connect, even when they don’t have a personal relationship.

Don’t forget to call your grandparents today, by the way. Intergenerational friendships are great for both youngsters and the elderly, as they have profits for both. The youngsters can benefit from the elderly’s experience, and the elderly will surely enjoy having an interesting companion to chat with!

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Grab your copy of “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” here…
Spanish: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Z8GK1JX
Italian: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0953PN3Y7

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