5 best movies and TV series about mermaids to watch on Netflix (but not only!)

Mermaids are one of the most popular mythological creatures. And it’s not hard to understand why – they’re beautiful, mysterious and seductive. In this article, we’ll talk about some of the best movies and TV series about mermaids that you can watch on Netflix (but not only!).

5 best movies and TV series about mermaids to watch on Netflix (but not only!)


Don’t all parents of little girls love Barbie movies? They’re always full of magic, adventure, and deep messages to ponder, as well.Barbie’s 36th movie, Barbie Dolphin Magic, tells the story of how Barbie and her friends Skipper, Stacie, and Chelsea visit Ken, who’s currently doing an internship at the Marine Biology Institute. There, they meet Isla, a local mermaid, and four beautiful “gemstone” dolphins named Ruby, Topaz, Amethyst, and Emerald. As it turns out that Emerald gets captured by the Institute, Barbie and her friends embark on a mission to help Isla and the other dolphins free him.

#4: H2O JUST ADD WATER (2006-2010)

Rikki, Emma, and Cleo’s lives are changed when they are trapped on the mysterious Mako Island, a few miles off the Australian coast. Somehow, the three girls end up bathing in a pond during full moon, and as the light hits them, the three become mermaids, though not everyone notices. On the outside, they are ordinary girls, yet at the slightest contact with water, their legs turn into a mermaid  tail, which makes everyday situations like washing their hands, bathing, or going to the beach an absolute challenge.

#3: SIREN / THE DEEP (2018)

Even though this tv show isn’t on Netflix, you can’t miss it. It tells the story of the coastal town of Bristol Cove, Washington, which is a cradle of mysterious legends. The adventure begins with Ryn, a mysterious young woman who appears in town searching for her older sister Donna, whose appearance will lead to a series of conflicts between the marine and terrestrial world. Very soon, Ryn is joined by Ben and Maddie, two marine Biologists trying to help her find Donna. The local militia, and tribes of mermaids that haunt the waters of Bristol Cove, are involved as well.

#2: TIDELANDS (2018)

Calliope “Cal” McTeer, finally returns to the fishing village of Orphelin Bay (her birthplace) after ten years in prison for an alleged murder as a teenager. She’s determined to start a new life, when the body of a murdered local fisherman washes ashore. As a result, Cal finds herself caught between the mystery of this death and the Tidelanders, a deadly group of human-siren hybrids who secretly run the town. More closely related to them than she’s ever believed, Cal becomes the target of Adrielle – the matriarch of the Tidelanders.

#1: LU OVER THE WALL (2017)

Let’s end this list with a Japanese Animation film about Kai Ashimoto, a lonely and pessimistic high school student who lives with his grandfather (an umbrella maker) and his father. Kai plays in the rock band named SEIRÈN, together with his friends Kunio and Yuho. One day, Kai meets the little mermaid Lu, whose tail turns into a pair of human legs thanks to the rhythm of the music. Lu meets Kai’s friends and joins the band, causing it take off charts thanks to her hypnotic voice (a little bit like Garabel Haldane from “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony”!). As a result, a beautiful friendship and a great adventure begin for Kai and his band.

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Grab your copy of “Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony” here…
Spanish: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Z8GK1JX
Italian: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0953PN3Y7

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Published by

Maxine Foti

Author of "Mermaid Princess Amelia and the Lost Symphony," "Rosalie at the Collegium of Pagan Witchcraft," "Rita at the Collegium of Sanskrit Magic" and others!

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